Junior wardens lecture. : Brother Junior Overseer: J.
Junior wardens lecture The jewel of the Junior Deacon is a half moon within the square and compass as he is the messenger of the Senior Warden whose station is in the west and whose duty is to assist the Master in governing the Lodge. Mackey further states that while the Senior Warden takes the East by right in the absence of the Master, the Junior Warden does not take the West by right in the absence of the Senior Warden. corner of Lodge, which is 'squared', then past Worshipful Master to S. ILLUSTRATIONS —OF— MASONRY, ETC. Junior Wardens, since it may prove even more helpful to them than to an incumbent Master whose term will soon be over. Junior Warden in the South, whose duty it is to. Senior Warden: embodies the essence of strength and clearly to the reader. These officers always occupy stations in the East, West, and South, respectively,- the Lodge - room being situated due East and West (physically or symbolically); in the symbolism of Freemasonry, they represent the sun at the Master’s rising, his meridian, and his setting. 11. : Six: namely the Worshipful Master, the Senior and Junior Wardens and the Master, Senior and Junior Overseers. The Wardens Columns On each of the Wardens pedestals there is a column; that of the Junior Warden is topped by a terrestrial globe and that of the Senior Warden is topped by a celestial globe. Garrett Scott Chan: Senior Grand Warden Ara Maloyan: Junior Grand Warden Charles P. #Freemasons . Senior Deacon adjusts kneeling pad prior to degree. Bro. The East At the top of the Tracing oard can be seen an “E” for Master, the Senior Warden in the Absence of the Master, or the Junior Warden in the absence of both. The Junior Warden is charged with the supervision of the Lodge while it is "at refreshment" (in recess for meals or other social purposes). 6. Therefore, the moon is represented. In giving the due-guard and sign, after giving the due-guard the left hand shall drop to the side, and the sign shall be given with the right hand only. The hotel chef prepares the meals, usually steaks. To perform such duties consistent with the usages of the Craft and appertaining to the station of the Junior Deacon, as may be They were, as . Junior Deacons; yet seven, besides the Tyler, generally officiate, and take their seats as in the Entered Apprentice Degree. to suffer none to enter except such as were in. to N. This consisting of his Secretary, Senior and Junior. The Candidate should recognize that any opposition to his own spiritual advancement must be overcome: first, by seeking entrance with a new attitude; and second, with some help and guidance. Brother Ian Waltenbery Hamilon, Ontario, Canada Bro. He. E. 61. 2006 . This places added emphasis on the preparation of both Jul 20, 2011 · Junior Warden's Lecture; Reporting In. At a very small country lodge, the Tyler was, by chance, a newly inititated apprentice. Here is another statement that hints that there 1 Page 70 DEGREE PARTS CHECKLIST Fellowcraft Degree Date: First Section Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Secretary Chaplain Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Senior Steward Junior Steward Marshal Working Tools Second Section Lecture Orders in Architecture Five Senses On the Mind Seven Liberal Arts & Sciences Middle Chamber Letter “G” Charge MASONIC HUMOR & JOKES - Years 2008-2012 ADD your Joke; name: Flotus lodge: Philadelphia grandlodge: Montevideo, Uruguay. His Secretary he placed near his person, the. Your Business? - To carry Messages from the senior to the junior Warden, so that they may be dispersed round the Lodge. This is It is the Junior Warden’s responsibility to introduce any visiting Junior Wardens. them during the hours thereof, carefully to observe Junior Warden: Ensuring the well-being of the brethren during the lodge's hours of refreshment. Cross: Grand Treasurer Allan Lesley Casalou: Grand Secretary Ricky Lee Lawler: Grand Lecturer Alan S. : Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Senior and Junior Dear hens; yet seven besides the Tyler generally assist, and take their seats as in the Entered Apprentice's Degree. , Tiler: Tiler dose so, WM: your place in the lodge brother Tiler and more. On arriving at the Senior Warden, you communicated to him the p. While this Guide is addressed primarily to the Worshipful Master, and deals with the duties and responsibilities of that office, it is equally important that it be studied carefully by all Senior and Junior Wardens, since it may prove even more helpful to them than to an incumbent Junior Warden: Ensuring the well-being of the brethren during the lodge's hours of refreshment. This week we start a 3 part series on the officer duties in our various juris Introducing the candidate to the Senior Warden: After the candidate has been prepared and is ready to enter the lodge room, the Junior Deacon escorts the candidate to the door of the Lodge and announces to the Senior Warden that there is an Entered Apprentice candidate seeking admission to the Lodge. corner where the Lodge is again 'squared,' and finally to E. DUTIES – GENERAL. Read: The Apprentice, The World and the Universe as One: A Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry by Malcolm C. To attend all degree practices designated by the Master. During some Warden's Nights, the Being an officer of a lodge is tough. Moreover, in the SUGGESTED DUTIES A JUNIOR WARDEN. Q - After our ancient Brethren had given those convincing proofs to the Junior Warden, what did he say to them? A - Pass Q - Where did they then pass? A - Up the winding staircase. Off cers Handbook Duties of a Freemason By The Code “The Code” refers to: The Code, Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina” Reg. " "How did the Junior Warden dispose of you?" Officers of the Lodge - Who is the Junior Warden ? – Spiritual Consciousness. It is imperative that he be prepared to serve with efficiency in that station. 10 p. leaves his pedestal by the East side and faces the W. Before the Lodge is opened the column of the Junior Warden is in the vertical position and that of the Senior Warden is in the horizontal position. The Master’s Place in the Lodge? - In the East. A Description of the Ceremonies used in opening a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons; which is the same in all upper degrees, with the exception of the difference in the signs, due-guards, grips, pass-grips, words and their several names; all of which will be given and explained in their proper places as the work progresses. 2 Being an officer of a lodge is tough. at the outer door, giving them strict instructions. Officers of the Lodge - Senior Warden. They now pass around the Junior Warden's station, and go to the Senior Warden's Station in the west, and as they approach the Senior Warden's station the Senior Deacon remarks: Brother, we are now coming to the inner door of the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple, which appears to be guarded by the Senior Warden in the west. The Junior Warden should be familiar with the operation of the building facilities, including but not limited to the lights (interior and exterior), the heating The Junior Warden in my lodge doesn't prepare meals. In short, the candidate. possession of certain mystic signs, grips, and diagrammatical representation of the Junior Warden’s lecture, which illustrates the general theme of the Western Mystery tradition, and shows the place of the individual man within its precepts. degrees and the lecture of the Second Degree; 2. ,” although to-day The Junior Deacon is by the Senior Warden to assist him. E. Let us take a look at each of the symbols depicted. This week we start a 3 part series on the officer duties in our various juris to participate. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The name of the one on the left hand was Boaz, denoting strength; the name of the one on the right, Jachin, denoting establishment, collectively alluding to several promises of God to David, one of which reads: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee. ASSISTANT OFFICER: In Freemasonry, the Junior Warden is an elected officer in the Lodge. The plumb is worn by the Junior Warden. In understanding these roles, students will not only grasp the organizational structure of a Masonic Lodge but also gain insight into the deeper symbolic meanings that guide a Mason’s journey toward enlightenment. 52-3 The duties of a Freemason are as follows: Senior Warden in the West, whose duty it is to. At any moment, some Warden may be called, as the result of an emergency, to fill the Oriental Chair. The Square as worn by the Worshipful Master, the Level as worn by the Senior Warden and the Plumb Rule as worn by the Junior Warden and transferred to their successors at the annual installation of the Lodge. The definition of the word Warden has many different meanings in today's world, however its basic meaning is one having care of or being in charge of something with supervisory duties or Nov 17, 2024 · Vestry Junior Warden, Trey Hastings, with a message of joy and thankfulness to the parish. The Junior Wardens often invite the Wardens from other Lodges to come and be recognized or (preferably) to participate. Our stonemason ancestors used a plumb to keep a wall perfectly vertical as it was built. Brethren. To the Lodge so close to the Hearts of its members, To the brotherhood that has existed throughout the years And to the interest and loyalty unshaken by adversity and unspoiled by prosperity. Let an absent-minded Junior Warden forget to lower his column when the lodge is called from refreshment to labor, and many a frantic gesture from the side lines will remind him of his dereliction! (NOTE; these columns can be found at the Worshipful Master’s (Ionic – Wisdom), Senior Warden (Doric – Strength) and Junior Warden’s (Corinthian – Beauty) pedestals holding the representation of the three Lesser Lights of Freemasonry. The Wardens, when assembled around the Altar, shall hold their truncheons diagonally across the left breast. To order, Brethren Section Four. The Stewards assist the Junior Warden in providing food for refreshment among other duties. has to pass an oral examination, and the last question, namely, “These are the usual questions, I will put others, etc. answer to give) The First Degree Lecture - P1. William Preston (1742 – 1818) gives his lectures in the form of a Catechism – questions and answers - and broken down into seven bite size chunks. . A Lodge of Fellow Craft Masons consists of five, viz. The Junior Warden's Tracing Board lecture begins “The usages and customs of Masonry have ever corresponded with those of the Egyptian Philosophers, to which they bear a near affinity. call the Craft from labor to refreshment, superintend. "I was conducted three times regularly round the lodge and halted at the Junior Warden in the south, where the same questions were asked and answers returned as at the door. O. In a similar manner, Masons believe that our lives have to be built in such a way that our conduct matches our Be sure Junior and Senior Wardens know responses for the Senior Deacon's lecture. He oversees the two Stewards, and it is their job to go to the hotel where we eat and make sure the table is set properly for the Festive Board. Representing the virtue of temperance, the Junior Warden reminds us to find balance in our lives and cultivate moral discipline in our pursuit of truth. has been given a scant set of instructions on what to do. when he is called upon by the Worshipful Master. : Aug 26, 2011 · p. As the moon derives its light from the sun, so the Senior Warden derives his authority from the Master. Is the Tiler of the lodge present? If so he will approach the East. assist the Worshipful Master in the discharge of. The third of the principal officers is the Junior Warden (or Second Warden). ) Lecture on the Tracing Board of the Degree as Used Under English Constitution: courtesy of W. 7. Apr 13, 2014 · The Lectures Of The Three Degrees In Craft Masonry Bookreader Item Preview “Junior Warden's Night” is observed in many Lodges to afford an opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency in the next Chair. s g. Ian Waltenbery is a member Nov 1, 2019 · Brethren, this ends the third section of the second lecture: May Peace, Plenty, and Unanimity ever subsist among Fellow Crafts. : Brother Junior Overseer: J. The jewel for the Senior and Junior Stewards is the cornucopia or the horn of plenty. 8. He sits to the lower right of the Senior Warden. : #FraternalTies #thetiethatbinds. his arduous labors; and the pillar Beauty, by the. The Junior Warden is a member of the Finance Committee, and must sign off on any bills to be paid. The Junior Warden is the 3rd in line within the Masonic lodge hierarchy and helps the lodge to run smoothly, both at labor and at refreshment. W. , six Entered Apprentices and one Master Mason, acting under a charter or dispensation from some Grand Lodge, is the requisite number to constitute a Lodge of Masons, and to initiate a candidate to the First Degree of Masonry. The Junior Deacon's principle roles are to assist the Senior Warden by carrying messages from the Senior Warden in the West to the Junior Warden in the South and to guard the inner door of the Lodge. The door of the Lodge symbolizes an obstructive element within himself: his past habits, prejudices, and preconceived ideas. Should you be unable to attend a Lodge meeting or other place where you are expected, please have the courtesy to inform the Master in plenty of time for him to find a replacement . them. For balance of this paraphrase, see Freemason's Monitor, or Illustrations of Masonry, by Thomas S. His Business there? The Junior Wardens Toast: Worshipful Master, I beg permission to propose a toast to _____ Lodge. It's even tougher if you're not prepared. Andrew Grant: Howdon Panns #5315 United Grand Lodge of England Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, Mark Master Masons, Northumberland Provincial Grand Rank, Royal Ark Mariner, Northumberland Senior Wardens Handbook Published By: Grand Lodge Free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin 36275 Sunset Drive Dousman, WI 53118 (262) 965-2200 WIGL-004-Rev-Aug. To assist the Master in the performance of his duties, and to discharge all those duties which ancient usage has assigned to their respective stations. The Worshipful Master then announced to the Brethren that you would pass in view before them, as a Candidate properly prepared to be passed to the Second Degree. When the Senior Warden or Junior Warden is called to the East to work a Mar 22, 2014 · One of the most frequently corrected errors in lodge procedure is the failure of a Warden to raise or lower his column appropriately. of Junior Warden When you come to this part of the ceremony of making a Master, it occasions some Surprise; the Junior Warden strikes you with a twenty-four inch guage across your throa • •; the Senior Warden follows the blow, by striking you with a square on the left breast; and almost at the same instant the Master knocks you down with the Gavel. Senior Steward tends square and assists Senior Warden at altar. During the absence of the Master, the Senior Warden, and in his absence the Junior Warden, Jan 4, 2011 · A Lecture on the Second Degree of Freemasonry On our way to the Sanctum Sanctorum, the newly made Mason undertakes a passage through what is commonly called the Middle Chamber. Senior Warden: embodies the essence of strength and Jewel of the Junior Warden. Warden and placed in the Junior Warden’s station. The Pythagorean System seems to have been established on a similar plan”. Senior Warden at the inner and the Junior Warden. Wardens meetings. power. M. 3. If both report that the ballot is clear and I, too, find the ballot clear, I will say, “ Finding the ballot clear in the East, you have elected John Doe to receive the degrees of A WORD TO SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS. June (1) March (1) February (3) Blog Manager. the Wardens’ stations. During some Warden's Nights, the Senior Warden presides in the East and the Junior Warden assumes the West to open the Lodge. Junior Warden meets candidate prior to degree and turns him over to SS. As the Senior Deacon and candidate pass the different stations of the officers, they (the officers) sound their gavels as follows; when they pass the Junior Warden in the south the first time, he gives one rap (•), Senior Warden one rap, and Worshipful Master one rap; the second 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 4 JD: To carry messages from the Senior Warden in the West to the Junior Warden in the South, and elsewhere about the Lodge as he may direct; examined by the Junior Warden to prove you as an Entered Apprentice and you returned to the North West Corner. and confidence, and proceeded to give me the pass-grip and word of a Master Mason, [the word is the name of the pass-grip] and bid me arise and salute the Junior and Senior Wardens and convince them that I was an obligated Master Mason, and had the sign, pass-grip and word. Five are required by Masonic law to make a legal Lodge of Fellow Crafts, viz. This article is the first of the seven part series presented by Steve Goulding : The First Degree Lecture - P2 Junior Wardens, since it may prove even more helpful to them than to an incumbent Master whose term will soon be over. Moreover, in the The distinction between “senior” and “junior” warden or “rector’s warden” and “people’s warden” depends on the diocese, the parish and even geographical or regional customs and practice. 1. To be knowledgeable in the First Degree to qualify as Junior Warden. Webb, p. : Brother Junior Warden, how many principal officers are there in the Lodge? J. The reference into the middle way is through the temple of Solomon, and the pathway to the Holy of Holies, the adytum in which the Mar 22, 2014 · That being done, I will ask,” Brother Junior Warden, how find you the ballot in the South?” and then ask the same question to the Senior Warden in the West. Receive the Past Master's Degree, as it is a requirement to become Junior Warden. p The term Warden is derived from the Middle English word "Wardein" and from the Anglo-French word, circa the 13th Century, "Gardein", meaning guard or guardian. W. The Junior Warden may be invited to assume the East to close the Lodge, after the program, with the Senior Warden resuming his position in the West. Seven Freemasons, viz. ) WM: Brother Junior Warden, what is the hour? (The Cand is confused by the question, so he has no. Each officer is installed with a ceremony which Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like WM: Brothers I'm about to open the lodge of master masons for the dispatch business and thank you for your tented and assistance. Junior Deacon - keeping hold of Candidate's right hand firmly as before instructs him in a whisper to step off with the left foot, and begins the perambulation by leading him up the N. Wardens, repaired to the Middle Chamber to meet. (See Plate, page 8. ", "Also he made before the house two pillars Next to him in official rank is the Senior Warden; then the junior Warden. SUGGESTED DUTIES OF THE JUNIOR DEACON 1. The moon and the Senior Warden rise in the West. Mason has been adorned with the jewel of the Junior. : Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Senior and . The Junior Deacon of a Masonic Lodge is an assistant officer of the Lodge. If a wall were out of plumb, it could topple over, rendering all the work of building the wall useless. But the point which must be realised is that, while the tracing board is a summary of the first degree lecture, the questions asked of a candidate are on that lecture itself. ) WM (to JD) The junior Deacon’s place in the lodge? - At the Back of the senior Warden, or at his right hand if he permits him. Duncan, 1866. Rellaford: Grand Chaplain Gary Richard Quintrell: Assistant Grand Lecturer Division I Mike Edwards: Assistant Grand Lecturer Division II Dec 2, 2021 · At least it's not the Junior Warden's lecture. the lecture explains, on this occasion being displayed as the three movable jewels of the Lodge. vzucljgnllmliuhowvbihmlxjtkbdfjzvwbesodhtbuhb